The Five Aspects of Woman Bible study presents a way of seeing what God intends a woman to be. By studying God’s original and exemplary gender patterns—Christ and the Church, Adam and Eve, God and Israel—we see God’s design and purpose for masculinity and femininity. The course teaches a Biblical vision for understanding and living God’s design for gender. Each aspect is studied as it was created to be, as it is distorted by sin, and as it is redeemed in Christ.
Femininity and gender are complex subjects. We cannot sum up femininity with one verse on submission or another on equality. Even the key passages listed above are only starting points. We must draw upon the entire Word of God — His definitions, laws, narratives, and the repeated patterns we see throughout the Bible — and not only hear what God says when He defines woman, but also watch closely how He uses gender truth in His whole revelation.
“The Five Aspects of Woman study has clarified my distorted views about women’s roles and has inspired me to live as a true woman of God according to His original design.”
“Five Aspects of Woman filled me with an appreciation and love for other women. The comparing went away and with it the insecurity and fear.”
“Each Five Aspects concept is steeped in solid Biblical backing, drawing upon women from the Bible typically overlooked. But these truths are affirmed daily through cultural and personal examples that jump out at me!”