Men, Women & Marriage: Seven Biblical Principles

Men, Women & Marriage: Seven Biblical Principles is a 7–9-week Bible study that walks through the Bible and teaches seven essential principles that undergird a biblically sound theology of human sexuality. The principles are equality, difference, unity, sin & the curse, law & judgment, salvation & grace, and glory. Men, Women & Marriage answers the questions: What is a man? What is a woman? What is marriage? Answers to these questions ultimately determine one’s view of sex and sexuality. The Bible provides clear answers. Scripture tells us what men, women, and marriage were created by God to be, what has gone wrong because of our sin and our failure, and what God has done and is doing to fix, redeem, and restore what we have broken. 

Men, Women & Marriage can be used for individual or group study. The study will work for Sunday School classes, men’s groups, women’s groups, and for co-ed groups. The book is for everyone regardless of marital status, for understanding these biblical principles is fundamental to understanding the overarching story of Scripture: Christ’s love for His bride, the Church.